“To keep the body in good health is a duty… otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear.â€Â
On behalf of the Journal of Food Nutrition & Health, as Editor-in-Chief, it is my distinct honour on behalf of our Journal and we are privileged to welcome Analytical Society to our journal. As Editor-In-Chief it is my great pleasure and honour to introduce you to the Journal of Food Nutrition & Health.
With a continuation of the most successful series we are glad to announce the next issue of the 3rd Volume on Journal of Food Nutrition & Health highlighting the topics in nutrition and its importance.
Journal shares an insight into the current research and the latest innovation which intends the potential gathering of all the research work of scientists, scholars, engineers, and students across the world. The articles gives an opportunity for the representative to study their thoughts and ideas which builds up knowledge and research relations and to rediscover worldwide accomplices for the future advancement
Food Nutrition & Health aims at bringing a multi-disciplinary group of scientists and engineers from all over the world to exhibit and exchange breakthrough ideas relating to Food Science and Nutrition. It enhances and promotes top-level research to globalize its quality, and thereby making research articles/review articles/case reports more internationally competitive and creative on the current trends in the arena of Nutrition & Health.
While much encouragement and progresses are going on these days in the field of Food Nutrition & Health, both with advancement and cure. Understanding its importance, journal relies on upcoming volume. It’s an honor to invite all the concerned individuals to submit your valuable contributions in form of manuscripts to journal..
You’re invited to be stimulated and enriched by the latest and current advancement in Food Science and Nutrition, while delving a presentation around the field of life science by a variety of disciplines we are delighted to invite you to join us in our journal journey pioneer in this cutting edge field of research.
Register and Upload your manuscript’s to Online Manuscript Submission System or may send the articles as an email attachment to the following mail ids foodnutri@escientificjournals.com
Ruby Catherine
Managing Editor,
Journal of Food & Nutrition
Email: foodnutri@escientificjournals.com