Recent News: Trend of internet connectivity in Nigeria marketing implications for online shopping adoption

Internet has improved live and activities of human being in the society. Bringing digital changes to the way domestic and business activities are done with a special reference to shopping. This transformation from traditional shopping to online shopping in Nigeria is driven by the prevalence of internet connectivity in Nigeria. Nigeria has witnessed an improved growth in the usage rate of internet since the Nigeria communication commission launched GSM in 1999. In Nigeria, internet usage is driven more by the Smartphone and private laptops. Shopping in Nigeria is now advanced in line with the availability of internet. This has impacted on the marketing activities of such online businesses. In online shopping, this transformation affected the mode of product review and marketing mix elements. the implication of this to marketing includes, the need for a sustainable and innovative partnership for the online shopping owners, integration of the promotion activities and creation of high touch customers experience not only the high tech. The physical location is required to boost the trust and service experience expectation at any point of dissatisfaction that requires service recovery. High tech Partnership and digital-enabled manpower are the human resources need of current e-commerce market to drive the online transactions and customer experience.
Journal of Finance and Marketing is a peer-reviewed, Open access scientific journal. Major topics covered in the journal include and not limited to Banking services, pension plans, insurance policies, saving schemes, product positioning, online services, customer profiling, loyalty plans, brand management, cross-selling products and services, financial innovations, Institutional banking and finance, Regulations affecting financial services marketing, Segmenting financial services
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Journal of Finance and Marketing,
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