Recent News: Rice supply chain using lindo method at serang city, banten, indonesia

This research uses descriptive analysis method. The descriptive method of analysis is strengthened by observation and survey. This research uses non probability sampling sampling method, that is judgment sampling. The sampling technique was chosen to obtain sampling units that had the desired characteristics and snowball sampling aimed to determine the information of the respondents. Data analysis techniques using Linear Interactive and Discrete Optimize (LINDO). Linear Interactive and Discrete Optimizer is an interactive programming package of linear, quadratic and integral programs. The results showed that : Based on the calculation of sensitivity analysis using LINDO, the allocation of rice from the sender to RTC Market, wholesalers in Market of Lama, big trader of Kec Cipocok and big traders of Kec Walantaka will not experience any change in allocations even though the costs required to supply rice have increased, The highest coefficient on the LINDO result is in variable X2,9 of Rp. 400, - with the aim of supply, a wholesaler of RTC Market - the retailer of Serang District. The lowest coefficient is in variable X4,15 of Rp. 93, - occurred at the destination supply of large traders Cipocok District - retailer Cipocok
Journal of Finance and Marketing is a peer-reviewed, Open access scientific journal. Major topics covered in the journal include and not limited to Banking services, pension plans, insurance policies, saving schemes, product positioning, online services, customer profiling, loyalty plans, brand management, cross-selling products and services, financial innovations, Institutional banking and finance, Regulations affecting financial services marketing, Segmenting financial services
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