Impacts of Moringa oleifera leaves and Lannea barteri bark as growth promoting additives and survival rates in the diets of Clarias gariepinus fingerlings

Impacts of Moringa oleifera leaves and Lannea barteri bark as growth promoting additives and survival rates in the diets of Clarias gariepinus fingerlings
Fish is a source of indispensable amino acids in the diet of human and animals because of its high quality proteins, Omega 3 fatty acids and other nutrients. Demand for fish products is increasing on daily basis while wild stock is rapidly decreasing due to over exploitation and abuse of fisheries rules and regulations . According to Villa-Cruz et al. sustaining fish supplies from captured fisheries will not meet growing demand for fish product globally. Therefore, aquaculture has become an important ventures and fastest growing subsector of agribusiness.
For a sustainable aquaculture, this activity requires high quality feeds which should contain necessary nutrients and complementary feed additives to keep aquatic organisms healthy, fast growth, environmental friendly, and disease resistant. The palatability of diets and feeding rate, the nutritional components of aqua feeds are also of paramount importance to the growth performance of the farmed fish species. Thus, formulation of a diet that meets up with the nutrient requirements of the cultured fish is imperative for the rapid growth rate and survival of aquaculture fish species. Kumar et al. also reported that, feed additives are substances such that they are added in trace amount by providing a mechanism in which dietary deficiencies can be addressed. Additive serves as benefit to the nutrition and the growth of animal concerned. Most of some growth promoting feed additives include hormones, antibiotics, ionospheres, probiotics and some salts. Some of these additives used in feed mill are chemical products especially hormones and antibiotics which may cause unfavourable side effects. The use of Antibiotic Growth Promoters (AGPs) as feed additives in the aquaculture industry has been criticised by government policies and consumers because of possible development of microbial resistance to these products and their potential harmful effects on human health.
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Journal of Fisheries Research