Differences in quality attributes of sand smelt (Atherina hepsetus) fish burger and finger during frozen storage

Differences in quality attributes of sand smelt (Atherina hepsetus) fish burger and finger during frozen storage
The present investigation has been carried out with the objectives study the effect of frozen storage on quality attributes of fish burger and fingers were made from sand smelt (bassaria) (Atherina hepsetus) with substitution levels from soybean flour and minced potato. Sand smelt has found in Qarun Lake by unaccepted from consumers. The physicochemical and microbiological analysis was carried on raw products immediately after processing and during frozen storage.Total Volatile Basic Nitrogen (TVBN), Trimethylamine (TMA), Thiobarbituric Acid (TBA) and pH values of sand smelt fish products showed significant increase during frozen storage for 3 months except pH value. Quality attributes parameters values of control samples were higher than those with substitution levels by soybean flour and minced potato. Sand smelt fish burger and finger made from sand smelt fish maintained on their good quality parameters until end of storage period.
Sand smelt fish products (Burger and Fingers) maintained a good quality during frozen storage at -18°C for 3 months. Utilization of substitution levels from soybean flour and mince potato improved the quality attributes of fish burger and fish finger made from sand smelt fish. Sand smelt fish can be used to produce high quality fish products on as large scale manufacturing.
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Media Contact:
Anna D Parker
Journal Manager
Journal of Fisheries Research
Email: fisheriesres@emedscholar.com