Coding properties in invertebrate sensory systems

Invertebrates, as all other animals, rely on sensory input from their biotic and abiotic environment for survival and reproduction. Depending on the importance of a signal for a given species, accuracy of sensory coding might vary from pure detection up to precise coding of intensity, quality and temporal features of the signal. Investing energy in highly sophisticated sense organs and related central nervous processing areas can be of utmost importance in a complex environment and in animals using advanced communication systems. Peripheral and central sensory systems have therefore developed different anatomical and physiological features to optimally encode behaviourally relevant signals.
With the current Research Topic we aim at illustrating the latest advances in the field of coding mechanisms in peripheral and central sensory pathways in different invertebrates. We welcome submissions on different sensory systems and in different groups of invertebrates to encourage an exchange of concepts and ideas.
International Journal of Pure and Applied Zoology is now accepting submissions on this topic. A standard EDITORIAL TRACKING SYSTEM is utilized for manuscript submission, review, editorial processing and tracking which can be securely accessed by the authors, reviewers and editors for monitoring and tracking the article processing. Manuscripts can be uploaded online at Editorial Tracking System ( or forwarded to the Editorial Office at
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Liza Smith
Journal Manager
International Journal of Pure and Applied Zoology